
I’ve been working more and more on Restangular and added a bunch of more features. You don’t know about it yet? Click here to find out @Github

Let’s get down to business. What are the cool new features?


1) You can now do URL Building with Restangular:

Sometimes, we have a lot of entities names with their ids and we just want to fetch the later entity. In those cases, doing a request for everything to get the last entity is an overkill. For those cases, I’ve added the possibility to create URLs using the same API as creating a new Restangular object. This connections are created without doing any request. Let’s see how to do this:

var restangualrSpaces = Restangular.one("accounts",123).one("buildings", 456).all("spaces");

// This will do ONE get to /accounts/123/buildings/456/spaces

// This will do ONE get to /accounts/123/buildings/456/spaces/789
Restangular.one("accounts", 123).one("buildings", 456).one("spaces", 789).get()

// POST /accounts/123/buildings/456/spaces
Restangular.one("accounts", 123).one("buildings", 456).all("spaces").post({name: "New Space"});

2) Now you can manually run any custom Rest operation that’s not 100% Restful anyway.

Sometimes our APIs have other operations besides the regular one. For example /messages/123/archive or /messages/clear-all For those cases, we can now use Restangular anyway. Restangular provides a set of “customOPERATION” methods like *customGET, customPOST, customGETLIST, customPUT. *Let’s see an example

//GET /messages/123/archive
Restangular.one("messages", 123).customGET("archive")

//POST /messages/clear-all?param=param2 with body of {force: true}
Restangular.all("messages").customPOST("clear-all", {param: "param2"}, {}, {force: true})

3) You can also create your own Restangular methods and extend it as you want.

Let’s assume that your API needs some custom methods to work. If that’s the case, always calling customGET or customPOST for that method with all parameters is a pain in the ass. That’s why every element has a addRestangularMethod method. This can be used together with the hook setOnElemRestangularized to do some neat stuff. Let’s see an example to learn this.

//In your app configuration (config method)
RestangularProvider.setOnElemRestangularized(function(elem, isCollection, route) {
    if (!isCollection && route === "buildings") {
        // This will add a method called evaluate that will do a get to path evaluate with NO default
        // query params and with some default header
        // signature is (name, operation, path, params, headers, elementToPost)
        elem.addRestangularMethod('evaluate', 'get', 'evaluate', undefined, {'myHeader': 'value'});
    return elem;

// Then, later in your code you can do the following:

//GET to /buildings/123/evaluate?myParam=param with headers myHeader: value
//Signature for this "custom created" methods is (params, headers, elem)
// If something is set to any of this variables, the default set in the method creation will be overrided
// If nothing is set, then the defaults are sent
building.evaluate({myParam: 'param'});

//GET to /buildings/123/evaluate?myParam=param with headers myHeader: specialHeaderCase
building.evaluate({myParam: 'param'}, {'myHeader': 'specialHeaderCase'});

4) It’s now available in a CDN.

<!-- Use LATEST folder to always get the latest version-->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdn.jsdelivr.net/restangular/latest/restangular.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdn.jsdelivr.net/restangular/latest/restangular.min.js"></script>

<!-- Or use TAG number for specific version -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdn.jsdelivr.net/restangular/0.5.3/restangular.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://cdn.jsdelivr.net/restangular/0.5.3/restangular.min.js"></script>

5) Now you can send your own Headers

Every method in Restangular now accepts custom Query parameters and custom Headers as parameters.

6) Now you can use any response format in Restangular

**Let’s assume that you have a Response that’s actually wrapped in some Object with some Metadata and that your List of element isn’t an array. If that’s the case, you can now use Restangular anyway thanks to the responseInterceptor and the responseExtractor.

app.config(function(RestangularProvider) {
    // First let's set listTypeIsArray to false, as we have the array wrapped in some other object.

    // Now let's configure the response extractor for each request
    RestangularProvider.setResponseExtractor(function(response, operation, what, url) {
      var newResponse;
      // This is a get for a list
      if (operation === "getList") {
        // First the newResponse will be response.objects which is actually an array
        newResponse = response.objects;
        // Then we add to this array a special property containing the metadata for paging for example
        newResponse.metadata = response.data.meta;
      } else {
        // If it's an element, then we just return the "regular" response as there's no object wrapping it
        newResponse = response;
      return newResponse;

7) Restangularized promises

Now all promises are enhanced as well. You can for example add a new element to the promise of an array returned by getList without calling the then. It will return a new Promise of the edited array, which you can use in your view as Angular knows how to handle promises. Take a look

var buildings = Restangular.all("buildings").getList();

// New promise after adding the new building
// Now you can show in scope this newBuildings promise and it'll show all the buildings 
// received from server plus the new one added
var newBuildings = buildings.push({name: "gonto"});

var newBuildingsSame = buildings.call("push", {name: "gonto"});

// This is a promise of a number value. You can show it in the UI
var lengthPromise = buildings.get("length");

lengthPromise.then(function(length) {
  // Here the length is the real length value of the returned collection of buildings

That’s it for now!

If you have ANY suggestion on something to add, please create an Issue at Github or comment it here